School Library Services

Sometimes the difference between solving a problem and getting stuck is getting advice from someone who knows what you’re going through and has been there before.

That’s what I provide for my consulting clients — personalized advice based on 15 years of experience at an elementary school library.

2 professional women shaking hands.

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New Librarian Mentoring and Coaching

If you are a principal or administrator who just hired a new school librarian, you need an expert to mentor or coach them, even you have a new teacher induction program. This is especially true if there are few or no other librarians in your school or district.

Or maybe you’re a new to the school library and you’re so overwhelmed that you don’t know where to start. If you’re lucky, you might have an assigned teacher mentor, but they might be a classroom teacher or work in another building. They might not understand the specific challenges you face as a school librarian.

Library Website Design and Updating

Your school library website is one of the most important ways to communicate with your community and advocate for your library program.

It’s the first place students go to use your library’s resources, whether they are looking up a book in the online catalog or using a research database to answer a homework question.
It’s also likely the first interaction that parents and community members will have with you or your library.

So it’s important that the library website is highly functional and user-friendly for everyone who visits it. It should look professional on all devices, and it should be accessible for people who use screen readers or other accessibility tools.

School Library Consulting

You’re wanting to innovate your library program or add a makerspace, but you’re not sure what that might look like yet. You want to brainstorm ideas and make a plan about the future of your school library with another knowledgeable, experienced teacher-librarian.

Or perhaps you’re feeling pressure from an administrator to add new programs (like a makerspace or STEM lessons) to your already-packed teaching schedule. You need someone in your corner who knows what resources will be needed and who can advocate for your library to get staffing, time, and supplies to implement your new program.

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